(n.) That comparative volume by weight of a component which possesses similar substance price as various other elements, as dependant on actual experiment and mention of exactly the same standard.(n.) One thing equivalent what is equal in worth, worth, weight, or power as, available an equivalent for harm done.(a.) Contemporaneous in source as, very same strata various nations.(a.) Equal in measure but not admitting of superposition - placed on magnitudes since, a square may be equal to a triangle.(a.) Equal in wortir or value, force, power, impact, import, and the like alike in importance and worth of the same import or definition. As a noun from c.1500, "whatever is equal or corresponds to." Relevant: Equivalently.Įqual or perhaps the same (Example, three teaspoons is the same as one tablespoon). Very early 15c., from Middle French equivalent and straight from Late Latin aequivalentem (nominative aequivalens) "equivalent," current participle of aequivalere "be equivalent," from Latin aequus "equal" (see equal (adj.)) + valere "be well, be well worth" (see valiant). C.) 4G&Įquivalent meaning in Etymology Dictionary It possesses three faculties: It must be effective at performingthe exact same office inside invention since the work or compound whose put it provides it mustrelate on kind or embodiment alone and never influence in every degree the idea of means and it should happen known to the arts at the date for the patent as endowed with thiscapability. Any act or compound which will be known inside arts as aproper substitute for various other act or material used as a component inside creation,whose substitution for that various other work or substance doesn't in almost any fashion varythe concept of means. To make the equivalent to to equal equivalence.Molecule since, in acid sodium a couple of equivalents of acid unite with A combining product, whether an atom, a radical, or a.Proportion, in just about any specific ingredient since, the equivalents of hydrogenĪnd oxygen in water are respectively 1 and 8, as well as in hydric dioxide 1

Proportion by weight of a substance, and/or quantity revealing this Hydrochloric acid, their equivalents tend to be 32.5 and 1. The comparative proportions where one factor replaces another inĪny certain element hence, as zinc replaces hydrogen in Possesses equivalent chemical price as other elements, as based onĪctual experiment and mention of the similar standard. That relative amount by weight of an element which.Worth, weight, or power because, available a comparable for damage done. One thing comparable whatever is equal in value,.Contemporaneous in beginning as, the equivalent strata of.Placed on magnitudes as, a square can be equivalent to a triangle.